collections of words

If there was a seismograph for perceived hysteria, it would probably have exploded in 1999. Shortly before the end of the millennium, all reason was once again abandoned in order to say goodbye to the technical age with a degree of nonsense that was previously unknown. However, the fears were not completely unfounded, because the designers of the calculating machines, without which nothing works today, from love letters to nuclear power plants, had forgotten one place in the date display in their belief in the present: the one for the millennium . But what would happen if all clocks suddenly jumped to zero?

The honored audience, high nobility and also lower extraction and other dignitaries stand before the performance in a wonderful and mouth-opening manner. Joseph von Görre's "Writings"
Anyone who reads the "Variants' Dictionary of German" will come across thousands of words which, outside of Germany, are considered High German variants.

We are looking for a kitchen helper (“Kaltmamsell”) with experience to work in a restaurant in Berlin Charlottenburg
job ad

If you want to sound particularly relaxed, don't say goodbye quietly when you say goodbye, but loud and booming bye bye. There are few ways to show more clearly that only one thing is loose: a screw. Luckily you rarely hear it.

A trusted term for an adolescent girl since the early 20th century. The word originally comes from the fishing Latin of the British Isles: A fried fish there is a fish that the fisherman throws back into the sea from the net because it is too young or too skinny to eat. Since the late 1950s, young people who are neither fish nor flesh, i.e. no longer children and not yet adults, have been referred to as teenagers across the sexes. Fried fish is only available in stick form in the freezer.