collections of words

May 20, 2024
Bedeutung umgangssprachlich: unangenehme körperliche Nachwirkungen von übermäßigem Alkoholgenuss (verbunden mit seelischer Niedergeschlagenheit und Reuegefühlen)
Sep 17, 2023
The term “autumn milk” comes from the German-speaking world and refers to the milk production of cows in autumn. In the fall, as days become shorter and temperatures drop, feeding conditions for cows change as grass growth slows. This can affect the quantity and quality of milk produced.
Sep 10, 2023
It's too childish what the audience is led to believe. Frank Wedekind: “Earth Spirit” German is incredibly rich in words and expressions for deceiving, fooling, persuading, dumbing down... Does this wealth of expression reflect ancient human experience?
Sep 03, 2023
There are words that are simply unique and untranslatable and that is precisely why they...
Amour de soi
Jun 04, 2023
There are words that are simply unique and untranslatable, which is why they sometimes say more about a language and its speakers than anything else. Here I introduce you to such a word from time to time, so you get a fascinating insight into foreign cultures.
May 07, 2023
There are words that are simply unique and untranslatable, which is why they sometimes say more about a language and its speakers than anything else. Here I introduce you to such a word from time to time, so you get a fascinating insight into foreign cultures.